Selected Publications        

 Publications can also be viewed and downloaded at ResearchGate and at ORCID.  See my RightsBlog 


Speaking Out on Human Rights: Debating Canada's Human Rights System (McGill-Queen's University Press, 2014). 

A critical analysis of the rhetoric and reality surrounding Canada's human rights commissions and tribunals - Canada's most contested administrative agencies. 

Winner of the 2015 Huguenot Society of Canada Award for freedom of expression and freedom of conscience. 

Edited Books 

Eliadis, Naidoo and Rist (eds), Policy Evaluation in the Era of COVID-19 (Routledge, 2023).   OPEN ACCESS 

Eliadis, Furubo & Jacob, Evaluation: Seeking Truth or Power? (Transaction Publishers, N.J., 2011) 

Eliadis, Hill & Howlett, Designing Government: From Instrument Choice to Governance (Montreal, Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2005)

Cotler & Eliadis, eds, International Human Rights Law: Theory and Practice (Montreal: Canadian Human Rights Foundation, 1992). 

Articles, Chapters and Book Reviews  

2024. "Turning Off the Tap: Preventing Homelessness for Victims of Violence" in J. Hughes, ed., Ending Homelessness in Canada: The Case for Homelessness Prevention (Toronto: Lorimer). 

2023. Contributor. “Human Rights in the Age of Covid-19 and After”, in Merand and Welsh, Eds., The Afterworld: Long COVID and International Relations (U of Ottawa Press, 2023). 

2023. Contributor: Le monde d'après :Les conséquences de la COVID-19 sur les relations internationales Merand & Welds Eds. (PUM, 2023).

2022. Eliadis, P., Indran Naidoo and Ray Rist. “Introduction” in Pearl Eliadis, Indran Naidoo and Ray Rist (eds), Policy Evaluation in the Era of COVID-19. (New York: Routledge). Contract date: September 16, 2022. 22 pp. 

2022. “The Unbearable Lightness of Rights: Evaluation and Covid-19 Responses” in Pearl Eliadis, Indran Naidoo and Ray Rist (eds), Policy Evaluation in the Era of COVID-19. (New York: Routledge).

2022. May. “100 Days: How to Explain a Genocide” Literary Review of Canada.

2021. Book Review.“Over Time: Still at Work on the Sticky Floor”. Reviews of Karen Messing, Bent Out of Shape: Shame, Solidarity and Women’s Bodies and Jason Russell, Canada, a Working History.  Literary Review of Canada. July-August.

2021. “Mending the Theory Gap in Evaluation: Moving Toward Theory Knitting” in Arne Paulson, Markus Palenberg, eds. The Realpolitik of Evaluation: Why Supply and Demand Rarely Intersect (New York: Routledge).

2020. December 15. “Quebec's "Universal" Healthcare System: Excluding Québécois children from access to public health insurance has resulted in a cascading series of individual, family, and social hardships.” Max Policy.

2020. “Can China be sued because of Covid-19?” (2020), 4 PKI Global Justice Journal 17.

2020. "Children’s exclusion from access to public health care insurance in Quebec" Max Policy (Dec. 20)


2020. Issue 16. ”Social distancing and civil liberties” Policy for Pandemics Series. Max Bell School of Public Policy 


2020. Policy Briefing “Public Liberties and Emergency Powers”. Max Bell School of Public Policy

2020. Review. Douglas Cunningham Lecture at Queens Law. “Kevin Kolben and The Consumer Imaginary: Labor Rights, Human Rights, and Citizen-Consumers in the Global Supply Chain: Commentary and Analysis” with commentary from Alyssa King and Sabina Tsuruda (February 19) 4 PKI Global Justice Journal 6.


2019. “All that Glitters: What Corporate Social Responsibility is NotLiterary Review of Canada (November).  

2018. “Too Many Rights?” in Dominique Clément. Ed. Rights Inflation and the Crisis of Canada’s Rights Culture. (Wilfrid Laurier University Press).

2017. Book  Review, The Idea of a Human Rights Museum, Karen Busby, Adam Muller, and Andrew Woolford, eds. University of Manitoba Press. x 376. $27.95. University of Toronto Quarterly. 86. 248-250. 10.3138/utq.86.3.248. 

2017. « Interculturalism, Gender and Islam in Quebec» in Fortier and Monqid. Eds., Corps des femmes et espaces genrés (Paris : Karthala, 2017).

2015. Social Justice and Human Rights: "What will become of the pan-Canadian consensus?" Policy Options. September 9, 2015 

2015. "Rethinking the Role of Human Rights Commissions and Tribunals:Recent Developments" in Barreau du Québec, Tribunal des droits de la Personne, 25 ans d'experience en matière d'égalité (Montreal: Éditions Yvon Blais, 2015) 

2015. "Dismantling democracy: Stifling debate and dissent for civil society and Indigenous Peoples" in Teresa Healy and Stewart Trew (eds) The Harper Record 2008-2015 (Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2015)  

2015. Book Review: Dominique Clément Equality Deferred: Sex Discrimination and British Columbia’s Human Rights State, 1953–84. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2014, 332 pp. Canadian Journal of Law and Society / Revue Canadienne Droit et Société, Available on CJO 2015 doi:10.1017/cls.2015.30

2014. "Human Rights Systems: Are They Fair?" in Day, Lamarche and Norman (eds), 14 Arguments in Favour of Human Rights Institutions (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2014).

2013. "Canada's Clash of Culturalisms" in François Crépeau and Colleen Sheppard, eds., Human Rights in Diverse Societies (Cambridge Scholars Press, 2013).

2008. "Human Rights Tribunals and Direct Access to Adjudication: A New Generation of Human Rights Protection?" in Le Tribunal des droits de la personne & Barreau du Québec, Access to a specialized human rights tribunal: An urgent need to act in Quebec? (Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais). 205-249.

2007. "Diversity and Equality: The Vital Connection" Banting et al. (ed.) Belonging? Diversity, Recognition and Shared Citizenship in Canada (Montreal: IRPP, 2007). 

2005. "Mot de synthése" in Jézéquel (éd.) La justice à l’épreuve de la diversité culturelle (Cowansville: Yvon Blais: 2007) 

2005. "Developments in Human Rights and Remedies: A Canadian Perspective" La Charte des droits et libertés de la personne : Pour qui et jusqu'où ? (Yvon Blais: Cowansville, Québec).

2006. "Inscribing Charter Values in the Policy Process" (2006) 33 Sup.Ct. Law Rev. (2d) 229. 

2006. "Inscribing Charter Values in Policy Processes" in Sheila McIntrye & Sanda Rodgers, Diminishing Returns: Inequality and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Toronto: LexisNexis, 2006). 

1995. Book Review: "Human Rights of Women: National and International Perspectives" 34 Alta. L. Rev. 485 (1996). "The Swing from Singh" (1995) 26 Imm. L.R. 130.

Co-Written Articles  

2006. Eliadis & Lemaire, “Evaluating Knowledge about the Instruments of Government: The Canadian Federal Experience” in From Studies to Streams: Managing  Evaluative Systems (Transaction Publishers: New Jersey)

2000. Eliadis & Khawja, “From the Exception to the Rule: Evolution of Women’s Human Rights in the Supreme Court of Canada” Canadian Issues/Thèmes canadiens.


Pearl Eliadis & Ken Norman, “Human Rights”, The Canadian Encyclopedia, June 25, 2014 


2022. November 25.  “Law Reform Opportunities in Quebec for Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence: Policy Paper.”  Quebec Homelessness Prevention Policy Collaborative (Co-Chair and lead author of Gender research stream). 

2022. Médecins du Monde, « Santé sexuelle et reproductive des femmes vivant au Québec l’urgence d’agir pour garantir le bénéfice des régimes publics d’assurance pour toutes les femmes, peu importe leur statut migratoire Legal brief to the Quebec government. March (co-author).

2019. “Cameroon’s Unfolding Catastrophe: Evidence of Human Rights Violations and Crimes against Humanity in the Anglophone Regions of Cameroon” (June 3, 2019) Online” (co-author)

2016. Technical Report: Global Principles for the Capacity Assessment of National Human Rights Institutions (UNDP, OHCHR, Global Alliance for NHRIs). Writer and researcher. 

2014. The Shrinking Space for Dissent in Canada" Written Statement (Lawyers Rights Watch Canada) Written submission to the 26th Session of the United  Nations Human Rights Council -- Interactive Dialogue Agenda Item 3 – Freedom of Expression.

2013."Silencing Voices and Dissent in Canada" in CIVICUS 2013 State of Civil Society Report (lead author). 

2011. National Security and Human Rights (Ottawa, Canadian Human Rights Commission, 2011) How human rights law shapes federal government accountability for reporting and data collection on national security

2006. Poverty and Exclusion: Normative Approaches to Policy Research, Policy Research Initiative (Ottawa: Privy Council Office, 2004). (Policy Research Initiative)

Technical Publications and Handbooks 

2011. OSCE, Pilot Comparative Review: National Human Rights Institutions and their Practices in Protecting and Promoting Women's Rights and Gender Equality

Equality for Women: A Handbook for NHRIs on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Montreal: Equitas, 2008 (Lead author) 

2012. OSCE. Handbook for National Human Rights Institutions on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (lead writer and researcher)

2010. Framework for Documenting Equality Rights (Ottawa: Canadian Human Rights Commission). P. Eliadis & J. Dwyer

2010. UNDP-OHCHR Toolkit for Collaboration with National Human Rights Institutions  Lead writer and researcher. 

2010. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, National Human Rights Institutions: History, Roles and Responsibilities (Professional Training Series No. 4) (New York and Geneva: United Nations) (researcher & writer, 2010 revisions)


Editor, PKI Global Justice Journal, Faculty of Law, Queen's University  (2019 - )

Editor, Democracy Dissent and the Law Research Network (2013 -2019 ) 

Editor, Charter and Litigation Journal (Federated Press, 1994-2016)

Selected Recent Events and Presentations 

2022. Chair. November 25. Humour, Hate and Harm: Rethinking dignity, equality and freedom of expression after the Supreme Court’s decision in Ward v Quebec

Montreal, Max Bell School of Public Policy.


2021. Chair. Racial Profiling in Policing, Montreal, Max Bell School of Public Policy.


2019. #RightsCity, Montreal. Concordia University. Panel Discussion. “Cameroon’s Unfolding Catastrophe” 


2019. Canada. Foreign Affairs Committee. Invited Witness.  (February 7, 2019) on Canada's Role in International Support for Democratic Development.


2018. Keynote speaker. “Enabling Human Rights Commissions as Norms-Brokers”, Canadian Association of Statutory Human Rights Association. Whitehorse, Yukon.     (June 26, 2018).